A true hero of mine.....WonderWoman.

With every life choice we've made, I have heard the same thing from people, over and over and over. "Wow, you are WonderWoman, Super Mom, I could never do the things you do and get through the things you have gone through."

At first, it was a compliment, a challenge, it kept me going, then I found myself becoming frustrated by it.

Every time I heard this I was thinking.....

"News Flash, I am NOT WonderWoman, or Super mom and I am tired of having to pretend that I am. I don't have a choice but to get through these things as best as I can. You don't see that I struggle mentally, emotionally, and physically. That some days it's hard to even get out of bed because I don't want to deal with certain things. I feel weak and tired and alone most days. I get frustrated easily, I sometimes yell at my family, I put myself down, feel incompetent, and just plain want to quit."

So how do I get through and overcome all the things thrown at me? How is it that I seem strong and "super" to others?.......

My sweet husband (God bless him) tried to make me feel better by reminding me " You actually CAN'T do this, not without God. Your strength comes from Him." (I know right, He's amazing).

With this, I realized that the WonderWoman analogy was actually perfect. When you look at who WonderWoman was, research says ............

"Much of her strength comes from her training and she channels her mental powers into physical abilities. Her powers and abilities include: superhuman strength and durability the power of flight ; superhuman speed, reflexes, and agility and enhanced senses.


When you look at what God gives us or equips us with, we have strength and wisdom beyond our own understanding (Isaiah 40:29), we have durability and super human reflexes or fruits of the spirit that flow out from within us (Galatians 5:22-23) .

When I am focused on God and I continually pray and worship, I find myself full of peace, joy, and strength. Being, equipped with EXACTLY what I need every time to overcome, I push through. I become Super because of Him.

Wonder woman gets her strength from her training. People see the results of her super abilities rather than all the hard work and training she did to become the best. Likewise, people only see the results of our "training" or private discipline and battles. It can be easy to look up to someone that has accomplished great things but we forget that every TRULY successful person has fought wars in their past to get to where they are now.

Wonder woman wanted to be a mighty warrior for her people so badly that she spent her whole life training and fighting harder than anyone else. Her training then allowed her to rise to the challenge, fight a great fight, and come out victorious. I want so badly to be a good mom, to raise my children in the way they should go and to be bold and brave enough to fight whatever life throws my way. This will only come if I am willing to fight and train hard in my private life. Through constant prayer, fighting for quiet time, and studying the Word, I can be "WonderWoman".

Now, when people say I am Wonder Woman or a super mom I don't get upset or discouraged by it, but rather encouraged that people are seeing the results of victory from the battles I have been fighting in private. It is an encouragement that fuels me forward and to work harder. Thank you WonderWoman for the life lesson.
